Thursday, April 26, 2012

What are the chances?

I am delighted with a new gift. A friend from the University Art department (the one behind the doily bombing, see this post) and some innovative yarn bombing is retiring and cleaning up her condo. I ran into her the other day and she said 'you like spinney things don't you? I have a thingy with 3 spinney thingies with whorley thingies looking for a home.'
I had no idea what she had but was happy to receive these mysterious thingies.
We met today and she presented me with the thingies saying 'I have no idea of what they are.'
But I did!
[Photo:Indian Head Spinner on
Singer sewing treadle machine]
What are the chances? They are 3 bobbins the perfect size for an Indian Head Spinner (aka Country Spinner, aka Cowichan Spinner, aka Salish Spinner, aka Squamish Head Spinner). And they are stored on a lazy kate. Not only did I recognize them, I have an Indian Head Spinner needed to use them! See my earlier post on my Indian Head Spinner. What are the chances?!

This book Working with Wool, a Coast Salish Legacy is an excellent history of the Vancouver Island Coast Salish wool industry.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just like dinner

Stephanie from Knotty by Nature showed off her elegant silk shawl at the 25th Annual Island Weaving and Spinning Retreat in Parksville. The warp and weft are handspun silk. Stephanie was challenged when someone told her you can't use silk singles for warp. So she set out to do just that. She dyed the silk by, err, umm, mistake but the colours are subtle, harmonious and beautiful. It took her a year to spin the yarn and a week to weave it, 'just like dinner' she said. Think about it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

A lifeline

[PhotoThe red yarn is a well used life line.]


to unravel a knitted garment. Also frog stitch v., to intentionally rip out a seam, and 

an intentionally ripped seam.


1. to separate or disentangle the threads of (a woven orknitted fabric, a rope, etc.) free from complication or difficulty; make plain or clear;solve: to
unravel a situation; to unravel a mystery.
3.Informal . to take apart; undo; destroy (a plan, agreement,or arrangement). become unraveled.


 v. disentangle or unravel the threads or fibers of (a wovenor knitted fabric, rope, etc.). tangle or entangle. involve; confuse; perplex. make clear; unravel (often followed by out ). become disjoined thread by thread or fiber by fiber; fray. become tangled. become confused or perplexed.
8.(of a road surface) to lose aggregate.

Note to self: funny how there are three words used to describe ripping out (there's another one!) your knitting, and only one for knitting up.


1.the condition of being frustrated
2.something that frustrates

3. to become unraveled (okay I put this one in here, but it does fit).  See ravel, unravel and frog.


1.a. An anchored line thrown as a support to someone falling or drowning.
b. A line shot to a ship in distress.
c. A line used to raise and lower deep-sea divers.
2.a. A means or route by which necessary supplies are transported.
b. One that is or is regarded as a source of salvation in a crisis.
3.A diagonal line crossing the palm of the hand and believed to indicate the length and major events of one's life.
4.a length of smooth waste yarn which is inserted through the sts of a row or round of knitting using a darning needle, usually while working a complicated lace pattern. If you make an irreparable error and need to rip back, the lifeline provides an easy point to rip back to, and ensures that you will not lose any stitches.


1.alleviation, ease, or deliverance through the removal of pain, distress, oppression, etc.
2.a means or thing that relieves pain, distress, anxiety, etc., food, or other help given to those in poverty or need.
4.something affording a pleasing change, as from monotony.
5.release from a post of duty, as by the arrival of a substitute or replacement.
6. a feeling of relaxation after tenseness when you can take the life line out without having used it.  (okay, another one I added)