January brought a quick trip to Cuba. This was a pure R & R trip. With only seven days, the idea was to sit on a beach. Oh, sure, I admit to having a weak, ill-thought out plan to find the bee hummingbird (the smallest hummingbird in the world) but once I saw the beach, that quest was put away for another trip. We did manage to drag ourselves to Havana for a short day where I found a group of women learning to knit, but then it was back to the beach and a couple of novels.
[Photo: A group of women knitting in downtown Havana] |
With hours of flights and just as many getting to the airport and sitting waiting for the plane, I decided I needed a project and since I am behind in my spinning homework, I thought it wise to pick a project that would get me a little further ahead in my homework. For my major project this year, I have to spin a yarn and then knit or weave it into something. From start (preparing the fleece) to finish (a usable product), the project should take 50 hours. I have so far spent 25 hours sampling (1 hour), cleaning and teasing fleece (8hrs), blending and carding (4hrs) fibres (40% mohair, 40% alpaca and 20% silk), preparing skeins for dying (2 hrs), mordanting (1 hr) and dying the skeins (4 hrs), plus 1 hour on calculations. This was to be for a woven scarf, but at the end of all this work, my weft which was to be a soft pink turned into a rather gaudy, vibrant, purple. I had enough purple for a scarf in itself. I was still happy with the yarn a soft 2 ply suitable for weaving or knitting lace. So if the planned weft was too harsh to go with the soft, subtle colours of the warp, then knitting would be a good alternative, except I can't knit anything more complicated than knit and purl and even then my knitting is questionable. This I decided was the perfect time to learn how to knit and knit lace at that.
[Photo: My first lace knit project] |
So I 'googled' beginner knit lace and found this pattern from
Knitty.com. Perfect. The description says it is good for beginners. that's all the time I had to read before printing the chart, downloading a 'How to Knit ' app for the I-phone (complete with how-to videos, and packaging my purple yarn off I went to Cuba.
I want to point out a couple of items of interest in my photo of my WIP (Work in progress). First, note the turquoise thingy, it is a
Knit Kit, advertised as 'never lose your knit knacks ever again'. I bought it from
Knotty by Nature on my way to the airport, and am so glad I did. It has a row counter, crochet hooks for those darned stitches you drop by accident, stitch markers, tape measure and even scissors apparently approved for air travel (personally, I think it is because they fold so cleverly that the x-ray machine can't see the sharp pointy bits). If you are a knitter, never leave home without it. The second thing I want to point out, is if you look closely about an inch below my needle is a blue yarn sewn into the knitting. It's called a lifeline and it is. My knitting has improved but I tore apart the first 3 inches probably a dozen times, and even now, with a seasoned 164 rows behind me, I knit three rows ahead and often rip five rows back. The lifeline allows me to rip back to the start of my ten row repeat pattern. Every ten rows I use the handy dandy darning needle which came withe the Knit Kit and darn through the row. Then when I have to rip out a few rows to get back on track, I can rip away right back to the lifeline without having any lost/dropped stitches.
On getting back home, I went back to Knitty.com to re-read everything and that's when I realized this wasn't actually a 'beginner's' beginner's project, it was for advanced beginners who are ready to tackle something more difficult. As the instructions say '
So, once you've knit this scarf you can knit just about any lace pattern.'
And it is true ....I think.
Good for you, Liz! I've always thought that a lifeline seems such a great idea, but when I get going, I never seem to take time to thread one through.